Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Red Neck Christians like White House Press Secretary Should Consider Job Security Superior Vs. Moral Values in Face of Zero Tolerance Trump Policy

"This is the White House, not an abandoned Walmart. You’re allowed to leave.”
 - Stephen Colbert to Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Monologue on the Late Show - Applause! - Last night. 

The Guardian UK states that Trump is going to abandon Zero Tolerance via another Executive Order. 

Another Guardian UK headline states that Government Contractors should not be in the business of Child Care. 

The Morality Pejorative of the Trump Republican Party and or old fashioned Morality as a pejorative term and or alien concept to Manhattan Real Estate mobster thug types is something good Christian girls like Sarah Huckabee Sanders should consider when considering the need to pay the mortgage.



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