Friday, December 25, 2015

Tell the Christmas Myth a Trillion Times

Tell the Christmas Myth a Trillion Times

Listening to commentators on church services or even news reporters stating things of the Christ Myth like “Jesus was born in Bethlehem” matter of factly, which of course these days is an off limits place full of Arabs in Israel etc.

There is the old Doctor Goebbel’s line about telling a lie often enough that the lie becomes the truth at least in a fascist state setup.

But standing back and being looked down by Ph.D.’s in Theology by the mere fact that I can read, the new testament in particular, and see the gaping holes in facts and timelines etc., and the Doctors of Divinity merely and or mildly presenting tolerance of me in the presence of vested education degrees. 

Sheepskins do not necessarily represent intelligence, merely the assets to sit in class for so many number of years and being a certificate of attendance as an actual substitute for learning.

The real tragedy I see this Christmas is how lukewarm real Christians give to the devotion and reverence that used to be given as the fear of being in the presence of a warlord god ready to strike non-conformists for the least infractions of the army rule book of Christianity set up by the Emperor-god Constantine in the fourth century of this common era as a means to glue together a falling apart Roman Empire.

That if the Christian myth has been told a trillion times over the centuries, the myth more likely to the young at Christmas has been told at least three trillion times around some kindergarten table in the repeating the stories of surrogates of fairy pervert pedophile elfs, like Santa, who sees you every day and everything you do. 

And you as a child get rewarded for conformity to the army manual myth of who or what the commander in chief says Christ is that day, week or month. Love this day and then go to holy war for centuries in the name of the Prince of Peace.

I think the perversion of the story of Jesus and his human golden rule teachings starts at Christmas and progresses until the Spring with the sado-masochist torture of Jesus in time to be merged with the Easter Bunny myth. The Santa Claus thing is an almost human story. The Easter Bunny is pure animus.

And the lovely little baby in a manger morphing into a bloody corpse on a cross as the only means of war that a warlord mean desert god says is the only means for the rabble to salvation, to be drafted into the Empire’s army to save the Empire and the Emperor etc. is a story that Mel Gibson took from the Anti-Semitic boutique designer gospel of John used in producing his movie blockbuster Passion of the Christ (myth). 


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Gov. Asa Hutchinson wants reciprocity in refugee exchange - 100,000 Arkansonians for 10,000 Syrians

Images *

One of the victims of the war with ISIS/ISIL/DAESH is not the truth but the media shortage of bodies over at MSNBC since the purge of talking head bodies (Shh! – It is a secret – nobody watches anyway lol)

Well - Yesterday while a few of the more self-important fish are getting a round trip to Paris to personally investigate a bunch of thugs with guns in Europe when they would hesitate to take on a NRA convention of whoopee cushion usin good ‘ole boys in the States. Well, the world is turned upside down these days.

Well yesterday, in desperate need of bodies on the live set at the Capitol Rep. Burgess of Texas wandered into view of the cameras with the unpaid interns in charge of cameras. Congressman Burgess
wanted to talk about “boots on the ground in Syria” along with the unicorn problem in Texas, sitting in Dick Armey’s old congressional seat btw, very important Gerrymandered man. That and also he might have mentioned fetuses, Boy fetuses that is – not girl fetuses btw, masturbating in the womb etc. (Cameras cut!)

Today, away from the Camera but on one of those modern telephone things, Governor Asa Hutchinson, mentioning his vast experience with Homeland Security under the safe days of President George W. Bush. “He kept us safe” (except on 911). Asa thought it awful unfair why we would be giving free charity and welfare to Muslims from Syria or such. 

Why should President Assad not have to support these bums and send them to Europe?

It only makes sense to reciprocate and send a bunch of dangerous minds from Arkansas. Get rid of them. People on welfare. Minorities. ‘Da Gays. Etc. (Telephone call - CUT!) (Geez – unpaid media interns on a learning curve. Lol)

Tomorrow - Senator Tom Cotton and the glories of fighting in the trenches with guys, guys, guys. Share the excitement?

Gee FOX NEWS, keep your animal Kristi-an pundits over there at Roger Ailes ZOO and stop picking on MSNBC. Lock your gates!

(MSNBC Interns – Please no more free bananas to strangers.)

Asa Hutchinson Congressinal Photo Public Domain


Friday, October 30, 2015

Christianity, like Marriage, is only as Strong as its Weakest Link

Christianity, like Marriage, is only as Strong as its Weakest Link

There is that scene in the recent movie “Selma” with LBJ meeting with Governor George Wallace in the Oval Office in 1965 and two Southern politicians are trying to haggle their way out of an uncomfortable situation whereby one hundred years of Jim Crow and racial suppression was bubbling up all over the South but in this particular place of Alabama with protesters wanting to march across the state to petition their state government for a redress of their grievance of wanting to exercise their full constitutional right to vote without hindrance in that state.

The white men in Alabama sounding like the Roman Catholic Church on Sacred Tradition were saying this is how it has always been and we are satisfied with it.

The black men in Alabama no longer wanted to be on the short end of the stick, an expression, and no longer on the end of stick being beaten or killed for asking for their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

At one point Governor Wallace wants the federal government to go along with Southern Sacred Tradition and Lyndon Johnson, wanting to establish some sort of legislative legacy, throws the problem back at Wallace and tells him that as Governor he can force adherence to national law at the local level at the county level where all government is local and the local voting registrar is the real place where the Negro was being denied his local rights.

It occurred to me upon recent viewing of that movie for the first time, how the definition of man and the definition of the rights of man are in essence defined and or redefined according to the local prejudice and flavors of the month, years and century.

Which also brings this slightly aged person, with memories of the sixties, to look at County Clerk Kim Davis of Rowan County Kentucky and her singular obsession with the biblical definition of “marriage” and her hearing and obeying her “god” and his direct command to her to enforce “his” definition of whatever marriage is.

Before marriage, I told a friend that I thought of marriage as a merger and or alliance between two people. He having been married more than once listened to my definition and or preconceived idea of marriage and laughed. He told me that at best marriage is a truce between two people on the front line of the war between the sexes and the unique qualities, attributes and assets of those eternally warring factions, and their ongoing hit or miss contributions in the way of offspring to the common good and millennial old haphazard survival of the species.

Some weird Baptist cult, famous for their hatred of gays, has set up protesting with signs shop within hearing distance of three times divorced County Clerk, living in a glass house Kim Davis, and throwing stones at da gays who wish to be in legal union and or marriage with each other. 

The traditional definition of marriage via filtering of the RC sacred traditions that make up their ritual plagued religion, and the basis of most modern Christianity, had Jesus, a single man going to a wedding with his mom, and getting drunk. No engagement to a female, no bridal registries, no speaking of vows. 

Of course that is not the way they tell the stained glass story on the wall of the cathedral but that is the bottom line – the stained glass sacred tradition story. Marriage in the RC tradition / “Christian” POV would appear to be whatever sacred tradition says “it” is - just like - the way “it” has always been for the white man in the South - the majority opinion in the church so to speak is the definition of what sexual union and or sexual truce is within the confines of a legal union and or marriage – and must be between a legal aged male and female of the species.  

Minority opinions do not count.

Kim Davis with her three divorces is technically according to the sparse and or spaced all over the place in the Greek Testament phrasings – she is an adulterer and her many other marriages are not the one true union of marriage that Jesus supposedly defined once upon a time in a distant galaxy in a time far, far away from the real here and now.

Kim is a “whore” living in sin and the good people of the Westboro Baptist “Christian” cult don’t think that Kim is the right spokesperson to diss and deny gay people their civil rights. (Strange turn of events and or rhetoric?) 

Christianity and its thousands of sects and cults is after all only as strong and its weakest link and or links as in the Kim Davis variety or the Westboro inbred Christer crazies.

The Pedophile Union Lobby that runs the Vatican has after fifty years post-Vatican had a Synod recently and after fifty years since Vatican II of shitting on the divorced of their church, they are reaching out for contributions or contributions disguised as an invitation to return to the Church and get a mean spirited right to their sacraments - take or leave it losers - or btw go to hell. 

This as the pews remain empty and perhaps a few divorced catholics who have not already joined the Lutherans or the Anglicans or other main stream Protestant churches that accept in a complex world, the complex reasons why marriages fail, why there is divorce and why everybody deserves a second chance to make a more perfect union with a spouse and of course with or without children involved.

I am reminded of the author Anne Rice who went back briefly to the RC church and left after a few months later pulling her hair and screaming something to the effect that the nostalgic home of the church she remembered from childhood was replaced by the biased boilerplate preaching of the meal tickets clerics defending celibacy in all its toxic forms including the Sacred Tradition of Omerta surrounding regarding pedophilia, of that particular business, sect, cult.

Good luck to any divorced people lucky enough to find a comfortable roost in the same old medieval RC church thing btw.

The Vatican Synod on the “Family” btw forgot about all the gays.  Divorced Catholics first on the tour. Maybe in another hundred years, the gays?

Pope Francis, who is a great PR guy, having not only survived some of the darkest fascist days of Argentina history but prospered as well despite that history, is trying to I think to highlight a lot of piles, mountains of sacred tradition in the RC church (with a possible need to change, tweek things a bit here and there?) before he goes to his eternal reward and is no doubt happier stirring up the pot in Rome rather than in Buenos Aires. Wink, nod.

Which brings us to the people of this world, the Kim Davis county clerks, or the cookie cutter RC priests, or the perfect cult people of the Westboro Baptist Congregation publicity seeking church playing with themselves and defining marriage any which way but loose.

Marriage is in the words of the definer?

Which goes back to my tongue in cheek but probably no so far from the truth article about a stoned Jesus as a gay wedding.  A long standing 2,000 year old coded message from da bible? Again – Wink, Nod. 

Good thing I am mostly cultured and not christianed these days?



Sunday, October 25, 2015

Burb Babies vs. Baby Boomers – Tea Party Generation Against Their American Neighbors – “Who is the Tea Party Anyway?”

From a conversation on Facebook involving the question of “who is the Tea Party” in relation to their approval of Paul Ryan by the "Freedom Caucus" unofficial wing of the Tea Party – “Burb Baby Generation”.

Friend: The biggest problem with the Tea Party is...who are they to decide who is worthy? What big balls.

Friend: “I'll say this again...note their year of birth. there is something gone haywire with these dudes born in the 60's. Not only that most if not all never had to struggle in an urban environment”

Me: “Burb babies. First generation of Uber moms driving soccer champs all over the Eisenhower highways. Lol”

Friend: “You may have hit on that as the answer”


Sunday, October 11, 2015

The First Thousand Days of Life – The One True 100% Pro-Life Measures in Third World Bangladesh

I have been listening to the same old stale words and phrases from the word cloud about pro-life mantras for close to fifty years now since Humane Vitae and it was refreshing to run into a different POV from an entirely different culture and at a totally different economic tier way below the one I have existed in all my life.

In people rich, land poor and poverty poor Bangladesh they have a local program to raise the nutrients and vitamins given to young children to increase their odds of survival against overwhelming poverty.

The first thousand days of live begins at conception and ends on a child’s second birthday. That proper care and nutrition of the mother and child in that thousand days brings a child up to a plateau of life where a viable human being begins to take shape in terms of beginning to talk and having and assembling and storing memory for future cross-reference. From that point on in life with the proper care and nutrition a child has a better than chance of survival all the way to adulthood.

That gestation of 270 days plus 2 X 365 days equals a thousand days. Not much of a concept and yet again so profound considering all the stale fifty year old pro-life word cloud rhetoric.

The media, like the RC church, and all GOP redneck Christians with their sexually related treatment ideas related to conception is frozen in focus on the Day One of Life.  And the thought and energy and progress go no further in the discussion, let alone debate, of the miracle of life in a universe without any material creator needed as far as I can see to carry on the work of creation beyond the start of creation – is that an Agnostic / Atheist view of creation or the droll true definition of being pro-life in American politics?

That I hear and see a new POV on an Al Jazeera documentary about growing farmed fish the size of minnows to up the possibilities of healthy life for children is creative and therefore verboten in the stagnant mental life of the West?

Something you all may know but it was the first time I heard it the other day and I had to wonder if current shouting in the public square about Contraception masked in Abortion rhetoric by the stone-age side of the aisle, the money (1%) backed 53% trying to put down and control the other lesser 47% caste of American life was discussion, debate or mere shouting at one another like FUX NEWS.

The 1% to 53% Pro-Lifers of R.A.C.s (Redneck American Christians) Only Care about .01% to 27% of the true life timeline in the beginning Creation and nurturing of Human Life. The first 270 days of life in the womb is only about one-quarter of the story and necessity of a true definition of being PRO-LIFE.

That along with a birth certificate in America, maybe being born should come along with a short term lease on shelter, a few food stamps and maybe a reclaimed from China job for Dad. 

Time to step up to the plate and change all the old definitions of life and of gods and profit lines in this new global century starting with scientific data to back up reality and real concepts about being truly pro-life. 


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Bread Eaters Are The Leaders Of Civilization

(copyright expired)


A bit of a shock to see this and then realize that racism never goes out of style in our White Male dominated culture.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Kim Davis is a pawn in a nasty game - getting passed around the right wing redneck Christian circuit like a cheap Whore – And She is loving every minute of IT!

Kim Davis is a pawn in a nasty game - getting passed around the right wing redneck Christian circuit like a cheap Whore – And She is loving every minute of IT!

Retired Pope Emeritus Benedict Stabs Francis in Back at DC ? –

According to the first person, there were a great number of people during the pope's tour who were simply hustled in and out for informal private audiences. According to Dionne, the meeting between Davis and the pope was brokered by Archbishop Carlo Vigano, the papal nuncio to the United States at whose residence the pope stayed during his time in Washington, which is when the meeting took place. Together, these facts set off my Spidey Sense about Vatican chicanery.

Before we continue, let us stipulate a few things. First of all, let us stipulate that there are more than a few members of the Church's permanent bureaucracy, both within the Clan Of The Red Beanie and without, who are not happy that this gentleman got elected Pope, and who are not happy with what he's done and said since he was. Second, let us stipulate that many members of this group are loyal to both former pope Josef Ratzinger and, through him, to the memory (and to what they perceive as the legacy) of John Paul II who, for good and ill, had a much different idea of how to wield a papacy than Papa Francesco does. Third, let us stipulate that this opposition to the current pope has been active and vocal, to say nothing of paranoid.


No Secrets in Pope Francis' American Closet - Conan


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pope Francis’ Confused “Complicated Past” – Some Argentine Players – The Process – Second Junta – The Dirty War – Etc.

Orlando Agosti, Jorge Videla and Emilio Massera, during the National Reorganization Process

Jorge Videla -- March 1976-March 1981 President of Argentina

Roberto Viola -- March 1981-December 1981 President of Argentina

Leopoldo Galtieri -- December 1981-June 1982 President of Argentina

Pio Laghi (Papal Nuncio Argentina/United States) and the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Juan Carlos Aramburu act kindly with the leaders of the Process, Jorge Videla, Leopoldo Galtieri, Omar Graffigna and Armando Lambruschini

Second Military Junta, July 1981.Cardinal Aramburu, General Viola,
General Galtieri, Brigadier Graffigna, Admiral Lambruschini

Leopoldo Galtieri

General Haig and General/President Galtieri discussing the upcoming
consequences of going to War with Britain over the Falkland Islands. 

General Haig praying to his god he could talk Margaret Thatcher
 from going to War in the Falklands and blowing the cozy little setup
 in Argentina with the CIA training camps for the Contras protected by the Junta.

President Galtiere and the Great Peacemaker John Paul II

A young Father Bergoglio SJ, a deer caught in the headlights
of Argentine history,
a nobody in the scheme of things (?) 1976-1983

Freedom of Expression Restored 1983
Victims Remembered
Wall of Metropolitan Cathedral


Pope Francis Meets Secretly with Bride of Jesus – Holy Cow Kim Davis – Moo! Ideal Womanhood shaped in the image of the Vatican

Pope Francis Meets Secretly with Bride of Jesus – Holy Cow Kim Davis – Moo! 

Ideal Woman-hood shaped in the image of the closeted Vatican - 

Holy Vagina! (Batman!?)



The Pope Hangover in Philly

The Pope Hangover in Philly

On a local Philly forum I follow there had been a lot of anxiety of Philly in turmoil over a once in a generation happening centered around the local Archdiocese and it World Family Conference – selling the definition of marriage and staking out moral authority over it in the hopes of charging eternal royalties, added to the company coffers, not unlike the Disney people forever repackaging Mickey Mouse as something completely new and unique to each new generation etc.

The anxiety in many was that for all practical purposes, this private religious group, the Roman Catholics, had declared temporary eminent domain of a large portion of downtown Philadelphia for the purpose of a street fair and or religious ritual. The Franklin Parkway is the one beautiful planned section of downtown leading from the Second Empire city hall, larger than the U.S. Capitol building btw, cut on a diagonal to the northwest to any old plateau that once served as the city’s main reservoir and now has the ornate Greek style art museum built on top of that old hill. The hill of course is the reason for dozens of steps in front and immortalized in cinema by the movie Rocky.

The archdiocese no doubt wanted the Parkway with its many museums and classical style public buildings along its classical ala Paris style dimensions of a grand boulevard to tart up the centuries old rituals that fit in with the modern Vatican marketing program to present a pope in the rockstar, large ground, grand doobie concert settings for the marketing and sale of the product.

The locals with their houses and condos were trapped in a no drive zone that the invading archbishop from Denver had staked out to tart up his reputation and eternal campaign for the red hat.
Daily bulletins from the local authorities with varying levels of local, state and federal levels of authority made it very confusing how one would or could function in the middle of a commandeered concert site/zone.

I have seen literally dozens of the latest maps in recent weeks showing the latest no man’s land without a pass land surrounding these people’s homes and private live – “Private lives matter”. That and the threat of having your automobile temporarily confiscated and towed if parked in the wrong zone. That and a fee for a retrieval of your car from some improvised car impound lot anywhere in the city on the docks being shipped to Saudi Arabia care of the local mob.

Many simply wanted to escape if they could and go out of the city to avoid the tourist mess with the Pope Show. That with a secondary thought that your home might be robbed in your absence, that in an area protecting the Pope Show and not anybody’s local property per say.

One comment on the disaster of the mismanaged twisted mess of the local South-East Pennsylvania Transportation Authority S.E.P.T.A. during the Pope’s visit to the city.

According to my Septa conductor friend, he says the whole pope weekend was horrible.
To quote him: "tons of lack-of-communication, foul-ups, and bitching over who had to do what jobs... a real nuthouse of dumb Septa officials!"

And there was the question of who was going to pay for all the extra security associated with a public event with an international head of state present.  New York and Washington are used to these big state events with the Federal Government in DC and the United Nations in New York. Philly is just in so many ways since the opening of the Erie Canal – an east coast city with no discernible mission statement or purpose.

For many months of negotiations with the city, the corporation responsible for the World Family conference and its bills, the figure was something like 45 million dollars. Reading the forum over time, this figure kept floating in the air as the event approached.  One interesting thing was that the World Family conference had a grace period of six months following the event to reimburse the city for expenses of their temporary occupation of downtown Philly.

The final figure the RCs jewed the city down to was $12 million dollars now that it had become an international and partially state event and the state and federal government, via the FBI and Secret Service was picking up a hefty piece of the real costs of having Pope Francis give his marketing performance on the Parkway.

Nothing in the forum if the AD was going to reimburse the state of Pennsylvania or the Feds. I somehow doubt it. And since this private tax free religion club has no fiscal accountability I can only guess where the rest of the 45 million after the 12 million deduction for expense went, as it was supposedly already pledged by private and corporate donations to the event. (Let’s close another local parish says the out of town Archbishop from Denver via one of his infamous “blue ribbon commissions” handling this or that real estate detail in the AD’s portfolio.)

Because of all the shutting down of this public service train lines, bus lines, bridge access for security reasons etc. is why the final crowd of the Pope’s public mass was closer to half a million to six hundred thousand instead of the original estimated one million crowd.

Of course, it was the post 911 security blanket as to why Francis did not shine like a saint like John Paul II and his past performance in Philly. It was not that religion in this Millennial driven tech world is hard pressed to compete in the entertainment and spirituality market with the young and not so gullible.

All this haggling over money for a Pope Show goes back to 1979 when the fascist I-talian A-merican mayor Frank Rizzo, the former racist police overseer chief, who built a public platform over the Logan Circle Fountain on the Parkway at city expense for JPII’s mass, and was challenged in the courts for doing so – separation of church and state and all that – and eventually the Archdiocese was forced to reimburse the city something like $300,000 for wood and labor. 

The price of extra security from the city, state and Feds for that 1979 SuperStar event never got addressed etc.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bad Catholic Boys on Supreme Court Boycott Pope Francis’ Message to Congress

Half the Catholic Supreme Court - Scalia - Thomas - Alito Dissed Pope Francis.

Guinea Scalia gives no respect to fellow Guinea Bergoglio. Mama Mia!

Bad Catholic Boys (more catholic than the pope?) on Supreme Court Scalia, Thomas and Alito Boycotted Pope Francis’ Message to Congress – Hanging out behind the woodshed smoking Pot or in Clarence Thomas’ basement going through his world class collection of pornography?  Lol

They had front row seats to hear Netanyahu’s GOP endorsed hate speech against the Muslims when he addressed a similar Joint Session of the Congress.

Pope Francis speaks against
the rich robbing from the poor.
against war, against execution

Is that why US Supreme Court justices
Scalia, Thomas, and Alito did not attend
the Pope's inspiring elocution? 


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Boyhood - Family of the Year - Hero



Hero - Family of the Year

Let me go
I don't wanna be your hero
I don't wanna be a big man
Just wanna fight like everyone else
Your masquerade
I don't wanna be a part of your parade
Everyone deserves a chance to
Walk with everyone else
While holding down
A job to keep my girl around
And maybe buy me some new strings
And her and I out on the weekend
And we can whisper things
Secrets from my American dreams
Baby needs some protection
But I'm a kid like everyone else
So let me go
I don't wanna be your hero
I don't wanna be a big man
I just wanna fight like everyone else
So let me go
I don't wanna be your hero
I don't wanna be a big man
I just wanna fight with everyone else
Your masquerade
I don't wanna be a part of your parade
Everyone deserves a chance to

Walk with everyone else


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kim Davis - Cafeteria Christian Continues to Draw $6.66K/Mo. Salary Telling the Public to Pound Sand

Kim Davis continues to eat chocolates and seat on her fat ass public taxpayer subsidizzed job practicing her own form of designer Duggar Christianity. Whatever. Who died and make her  god Queen for life. 

Kim Davis continues to draw her $6.66K/Mo. salary telling the taxpayer to pound sand as she chooses to practice her brand of cafeteria Christianity hating da gays and loving the sanctity of all her four marriages as holy in her belief system. A welfare queen Kentucky style I would think or more likely delusional. Get a straight jacket folks. Great show BTW Rowan County.

But like Pope Francis has said "who am I to judge" her. LOL


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Canadian Anchor Baby Ted Cruz Debates Religious Bigotry Vs. Human Rights in Iowa with Ellen Page

Ellen Page, wearing a hat and sunglasses, confronted presidential hopeful Ted Cruz at the Iowa State Fair on Friday while he was grilling porkchops and ABC News caught the exchange on-camera.
The duo got into a debate about religious liberty and LGBT discrimination. Page asked Cruz about LGBT people being fired for being gay or trans and he said, "Well, what we're seeing right now, we're seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith."

"You're discriminating against LGBT people," Page said to Cruz, as quoted by ABC News. The actress asked him if he would use that same argument when discussing segregation….

"No one has the right to force someone else to abandon their faith and their conscience," he said. He then switched the standard narrative of a Christian florist denying wedding flowers to a gay couple. "Imagine, hypothetically, you had a gay florist and imagine two evangelicals wanted to get married and they decide, 'You know what, I disagree with your faith and I don't want to provide flowers,'" said Cruz.

ABC News reports the actress and politician spoke to each other for five minutes and Cruz said he hadn't known it was Page at the time of their conversation.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Eleanor Darragh Married Alan Wilson in 1958 According to Harris County TX Marriage Records

Saint Vincent De Paul Church Houston Texas
(Google Map Image) 

I see from a source that Eleanor Darragh married Alan Wilson in Harris County (Houston) Texas in 1958. Officiating minister a Msgr J D Connolly of Saint Vincent De Paul's Church there. 

Also Date of Divorce from the Grifter Preacher from Carrollton Tx in 1997, Harris County records.

Still looking for date of divorce with Wilson and marriage date w/ "Rev." Rafael Cruz. This all to make certain that Senator Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz was born on the up and up, legitimately in Canada, and not out of wedlock, which would negate his claim to U.S. Citizenship according to the laws on the books of the United States in 1970, when he supposedly was born. 
