Thursday, April 19, 2018

May Day Liberation of the United States Coming ?

Members of Congress seeking to lock up Obama's Justice Department in some black hole prison on or after May 1. Going after Rod Rosenstein's scalp first in plan to stop Mueller's investigation of Trump's treason. This list of targets, inmates, ultimately includes L.Lynch and H.Clinton. A coup by any other name in the age of Moron Trump Twitterers. 

Congressional Treason:

Ron Desantis 6th Florida

Andy Biggs 5th Arizona

Dave Brat 7th Virginia

Jeff Duncan 3rd South Carolina

Matt Gaetz 1st Florida

Paul A Gosar D.D.S. 4th Arizona

Andy Harris 1st Maryland

Jody Hice 10th Georgia

Todd Rokita 4th Indiana

Claudia Tenney 22nd New York

Ted S. Yoho DVM 3rd Florida

(Can't dentists and vets get real jobs these days btw)

Keep your friends close folks, and the your traitor Congresspeople even closer comrades.

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