Monday, July 9, 2018

Fascist Plot Brexit Turning Into Fakexit

Just as Trump is about to meet the Queen and Phil the Greek at Windsor Castle the Brit Government seems to be falling apart. 

And if I may comment in my perhaps normal paranoid manner I always thought that Brexit was a Fascist plot. That you are not in it alone but have friends in higher places. That we are living in a whole era of the axis of fascist evil of Thatcher, Reagan and Wojtyla put in place in the USA by the CIA following the downfall of Nixon and the effects of the oil embargo on the western economy. That after they put General Wojtyla in place the Vatican to Money Launder money for the CIA and cause the fall of the USSR through agitation in Poland etc., that the uncontrollable use of the Vatican as money laundering ops center for the CIA did not end until the EU took over the Vatican Bank via the German Bank and put the Nazi Pope B16 out of the picture, a temporary check on that center of power. And then after they manufactured a "Polish Saint" in 1978 that the public bought hook, line and sinker, "they" erected the statues of Reagan and Thatcher for the western bankers to idolize. Brexit, an arm of that fascist plot to avoid EU regulations over deep state black ops money and now President Ronald McDonald in the USA. That he who has the gold and or the biggest pile of cash, Russia?, China only has our I.O.U. treasury notes, that corporation runs the show, the USA and or Brit facade that is, through Citizens United, Vote Leave etc. 

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