Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tearing Down Monuments Does Not Change History - CSA

Wikipedia is listing something like three incarnations of the KKK. The second of which is dated 1915-1944.

It would seems that 90% of the Confederate Statues being removed in places ruled by Democratic politicians coincide in their origins with the second Klan period and its political power of pre-WWI through the war on Fascism in WWII.

I don't think it good to remove every monument in a public park because considering city and state budgets the removal of these statues will result in voided and or ugly space in the public places where they used to occupy space. 

I am against erasing history even if I don't like that history. 

People instead of reacting the this Trump supported Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Confederate outburst of hatred on the American landscape should be channeled into removing these monsters from public office via the voting booth. 


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