Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2017

Open Letter to David O'Reilly, The Inquirer Regarding Abp Chaput's Unconditional Support of Trump

A Real Bishop of Philadelphia - John Neumann 1852-1860

Mr. David O'Reilly, Correspondent Philly.Com The Inquirer

BTW Grats on your long and no doubtless rewarding meal ticket career. 

I am writing this as an open letter because Charles Chaput complains about the media not fawning like they should be in a Fascist Slave Nation that Trump and his cadre of Nazi haters envision for the USA.

“I don’t want to be partisan in my comments here, but it seems to me if we are really serious about our common responsibilities, we support the president,” Archbishop Charles Chaput told the California-based talk show host Hugh Hewitt, a Catholic conservative.

I think your boutique journalism piece above about Chaput latest whining about something or other is more an infomercial for the California Hewitt Radio show than it is about the media or Trump. 

That Chaput is the force behind the California Fascist Catholic / "Christianist" organization of The Napa Institute promoting secret functions where church as state are one in the Fascist Vision of a future or is it now America.

I have been watching your topic Charles Chaput since he tossed two first graders into the street in Denver in Father Breslin's parish because the two kids moms were moms and or lesbian.

He ranted and raved I believe more about MSNBC and probably on Fox News in 2011 to say that the American Media were anti-catholic for not reporting on a World Youth Day in Spain that year.

That was the cover story that I believe after some research was a response to some so-called desecration of a state owned chapel in the State Controlled Complutense University in Madrid. 

That the background on lesbians making political points in a political theatre of a state owned and supported chapel was a response in fact that an anti-gay Gang(s) of devoted Catholic Fascists patrolled the campus at night with clubs to make certain no gays would meet in public in a public university after dark. Gay reactions to violence against gays and ignored/endorsed by the police was the other half of that Chaput story. Chaput is only interested in half truths IMO. etc.

I am also not fond of "Chief Outtatown" my terrible non-PC label for this carpetbagger archbishop in Philly. If the media can ignore personal insults like "Pocahantas" by a warped mental case of a so-called President for the female senator Elizabeth Warren, why am I wrong in calling this bigot a name that fits his so-call heritage. 

But I really disliked this dude when he came up with a political agenda to attack JFK in the grave for his separation of church and state stance and in lines with the upcoming 2012 elections. Something about attacked dead Dem Prezs by the GOP like FDR with the 22nd amendment. Irony with that was that Eisenhower, Nixon if he had cleaned up his act, and Reagan could have probably gone for though not done third terms, but not in St. Ronny's case. RIP

Sorry that BXVI had to retire for senility and sorry that Chuck did not get his red hat as promised because of this new possibly more moderate pope F1.

As I remember the local newspapers, TV and radio in the day would fawn at the sight a Philly archbishop deigning to step half a foot out of the old 10 acre Cardinal Dougherty 61 room Bishop's Palace on City Line Avenue to give the media their 30 second soundbite or half a column hardcopy interviews. I believe that lent as much to the recent Philly unpleasantness of abuse by clergy thingy as much as internal Catholic hierarchy mismanagement. Whatever. 


Mike McShea



Friday, June 17, 2016

Day of Rage in Tucson Arizona - 2011 - Revisited

(February 7, 2011)

I lived and worked in Tucson Arizona for close to eight years back in the 1990s. I worked for a short time, 100 yards down the road from the recent mass murders there that involved the shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of the U.S. Congress.

As stated I worked down the road from the Safeway and its parking lot, the scene of this recent American-style tragedy. I even ate lunch a few times in a food court setting in the front of the supermarket way back when. 

I researched this matter of the shootings that took the life of a nine year old girl among others. The date is January 8, 2011. Seems like two months ago instead of one month to me. Time seems to be compressed sometimes concerning memory. 

I had written an account of the attack on Rep. Giffords Tucson office at the end of the debate and vote on Health Care Reform last year. The attack in the middle of the night and broken glass brought to mind the terrible tragedy of Kristallnacht in Nazi controlled Germany in November 1938 against Jews in the population. I made reference to that event because Ms. Giffords is Jewish.

Kristallnacht – Tucson - USA 

The apparently troubled young man who did the shootings and these murders seems to have bought into a uniquely American style of settling arguments or supplementing mental disorders with guns. 

Because I had been in this place in Tucson and knew its layout I did not write anything or comment until now. I felt the tragedy in a personal sense having a shared experience of the geography with the victims. I should also note that it took me five years to finally write down my experiences of the 911 tragedy here in NYC. 

No Guarantee of Tomorrow

I also wanted to turn a corner in this blog whereby I did not want to poll parrot the party line coming out of the media. The media turns on cable and cable turns on the middle class who can afford it. The media rightly or wrongly from left or from right seems to feed on the energy of rage both in content and filler. I need to and we all need to as well step back from the edge of that rage that permeates our complex modern society. 

Rage is not only a middle class thing but perhaps a middle aged thing. It comes from the disappointment from expectations not fulfilled. It comes from recognizing the disappointment from the perspective of age and or wisdom from life experience. 

I do not want to merely echo the media and its sounds of fury. 

Now a month later I can look and see how death by random acts of violence is fed by rage and guns. 

I do not object to hunters having rifles in their homes with or without permits. I do object to weapons of war with high capacity discharge being sold in America. They are not necessary in a civilized society. 

I think that licensing handguns within the confines of city limits is the right of the well being of the population of that densely populated city to assure protection from violence and violent mental illness spilling into the streets and onto the parking lots of America. 

I am not advocating repeal of the second amendment’s right to bear arms. I am trying to find common grounds with all parties to seek a solution to too much gun power in America and to too many guns. 

The days of the wilderness are long gone. The days of conflict with the native Indian population are long gone. In the twenty first century, a fetish for guns and gun power is a bit outdated and obsessive. It speaks of the breakdown of community and loss of civility in our society. 

The gun lobby and the media lobby both seem to be catering to keeping the rage up to sell their products. Whatever. 

I am glad that Representative Giffords survived and may well have a normal life returned to her after much therapy. 

Prayers for the victims and their families in Tucson. Prayers for the perpetrators, both the lobbyists of hate and rage, as well as for the disturbed young man who committed this crime.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tom Brokaw – The Brokaw Principle – Staying on the Job Decades and Decades After Jumping the Shark

Not dead yet - The Brokaw Brand

I see that Tom Brokaw has announced he has cancer. I have to wonder if he is writing yet another book - a coffee table book on the trials of America’s Healthcare System during his illness, for the rest of us little people?

He has stayed on at NBC as a ghostly figure to confirm whispers of the “Journalism” brand that TV news once allegedly had a half century ago.

He even recently mouthed a fiftieth anniversary Oswald the Archer Fairy Tale story of the one lone Archer killing the Prince of Hyannis in 1963 with the claim that the truth, is Tom Brokaw’s truth, that he was there – in 1963 that is - so it must be true. I was there too in 1963. But nobody has handed me a Peabody lately. Lol

There is this Peter Principle thing that states that business or bureaucrats work their way up the ladder to the job that they cannot do, haven't a clue about, stay there and confuse the rest of the organization from that standing place until they retire with their platinum parachutes…

The Brokaw Principle is to keep reinforcing the media image brand thing by living on passed any bit of usefulness in the “News” trade. The Brokaw Principle is of course the Newsy branch of Peter Principles Inc., an official business network association of active and retired business executives like Tom.

I pick on Tom too much perhaps but I date my label of him as a Peter Principle-er cult/sect member to a news conference in the 80s when Reagan stated something that the thing Americans can do to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS in blood transfusions by creating one’s own personal store of one’s blood in cold storage for the day it might be needed.

The most ridiculous thing I ever heard from a politician in such a high place in government!

Needless to say, I thought that RWR's snide elitist remarks on storing one’s own blood would be challenged by Tom in the usual post news conference commentary. But Tom only reiterated President Reagan’s brilliant advice to all Americans and I turned off Tom then and ever since.

From a popular novel I think:

Every evening Winston Smyth listened in on the nighty Newspeak Nightly News with Tom Newspeak… (radio adverstisement - "Tom Newspeak, the most trusted voice in Greater Oseania")

Tom Newspeak may have at one time been one person. But over time, thick horn rimmed glasses with thick lenses, a ridiculous wig/toupee? and goatee all marked the identifying features of the current Tom Newspeak and his Nighty Teledep Broadcast on the official primary Minitrue network located at Rockinfeller Plaza Place New New York…

The goatee it was rumored was devised so as to not to confuse the Sheeple regarding who was Big Brother and who was just a repeater of words cranked out by the Ministry of Truth…

The 15 minute Broadcast began sharply at 18:45 just as every good citizen had finished the dishes after a standard nightly meal usually and suggested by the States at 18:00 hours.

Tom Newspeak seemed to be the younger one from a range of interchangeable types ranging in age from 25 to 45. Same glasses, same toupee, same Midwestern accent, same goatee cut on the chin…

Monday, October 26, 2009

Melbournian Candidate - Roger Ailes

Almost as an insider’s media industry joke, the idea made the rounds last week of Roger Ailes, head of Fox News of the Murdock Media Noise Empire, was considering a run for the presidency in 2012.

If he was younger, I would say that he or anybody the Fox Propaganda Machine would endorse could go the distance in the American Political Process. Ailes could carry or make a decent showing in the Primaries. Huckabee would have to be sabotaged (a minor task) if Ailes wanted Iowa.

This is all speculation, a joke, comic relief, after Ailes and Obama media right hand David Axelrod could not discuss gentlemanly rules of engagement over tea at the White House.

Ailes cut his teeth or more accurately make his name and media reputation in selling a recycled bag of political shit aka Richard Nixon to the American People and making them like it in 1968. Of course it was the George Wallace campaign and the split in the Democratic party that year that gave the Republicans a squeaker victory in 1968.

One has to wonder at the ego of politicians and media moguls born in Melbourne and how games can be won and profits realized on the national and global stage.

The power of the media is immense. Like a Derivatives Compiler or Manager of a Hedge Fund, the novelty of the new Fox journalism has worn off in recent hard economic times. These are times for retooling the American Mission Statement for itself and to the world. Fox fades away or resets the definition of normal for decades to come.

Journalism in all its forms are in the marketplace. The more traditional hardcopy newspaper may be on the wane but it is not dead. There always is a market for a quality product. There also is a market for hucksters and their street wares.

The media as the background sound of the demos – the mob – has been there since before the Republic. The sounding board of ideas and egos, private and public are all welcome.

Roger Ailes will make an excellent stalking horse for Rupert’s real candidate, whoever he or SHE is in 2012.

(P.S. Just substitute the word Iraq or Afghanistan in every slot using the word “Vietnam” below and get a taste of the potential media tsunami coming our way in 2012, that could be recycled out of old political propaganda trash courtesy of classic Ailes and Associates archives.)