Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POTUS. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Donald Trump – Adult Functional Illiterate?

Donald Trump – Adult Functional Illiterate?

Having had the sad misfortune of having had to work with adult functional illiterates in my work life, I have noticed that they will always try to dominate any conversation. It is all about them and their opinion of anything. It is all noise and no content. And never try to shove a memo in their face to read and if they are your boss, you get a loud and almost violent response to trying to show the facts that they cannot read above first or second grade levels at best. Some may be undiagnosed dyslexics btw. 

They watch TV or listen heavily to radio (talk radio) to get their news of the world from and not hardcopy newspapers. I notice of late that every major Internet news source wants to shove a video clip in your face to watch instead of let you read at your own pace the news articles. We know from Donald Trump’s interview that his foreign policy knowledge is watching “the shows” or Cable TV news programs which are greatly wanting in real news or real policy content. 

Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer the other night on the Bill Maher show related the story of his father, a New York real estate mogul having a meeting with Donald Trump twenty odd years ago and the old man’s main impression walking away from that meeting was that Trump had not read a book in twenty years, meaning since leaving college, which of course is par for course with a lot of diploma factory college graduates in this country. 

College in America or the new Global Culture does not instill a love of knowledge but rather a competition to get the highest overall point average like some sports game. Winning is the only thing. 

But back to the Donald, today a flamboyant, extroverted or seemingly a narcissist, that his fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania, an ivy league school, do not remember Wallflower Donald who blended into the background of college and of course they do not, cannot swear, who sat next to them in class or with whom they took their final exams with. Whatever. 

I, however, must express my opinion, as I have done to HR departments in the past and state that I am not a professional expert but based on the circumstances at hand, IMO Donald Trump is an adult  functional illiterate.

That he will as POTUS have to depend on others in the White House to read Top Secret Foreign Policy Papers and trust, probably from his children, the meaning of what all the words in those papers mean to him and his agenda and or what those words in those papers mean for the greater good of the American Republic. 


Monday, May 9, 2016

Benghazi Four – Coded (White) Martyrs of the Old Obsolete White Male Order

Everything the new minority – the old white majority – is coded and racist – Jerry Falwell’s Religious Liberty = segregation for tax free Christian education (SEGREGATED).

I had distanced myself from the Benghazi Bullshit brainwashing going over on at Fox News for a long time until yesterday. I am only now focusing in on it and seeing attacks on Hillary on Mother’s Day on Facebook somewhere among the blind and racist lost of the once and never American Dream.

Beghazi is also white racist (coded) bullshit. I feel sorry for the people in flyover country that have yet to meet or greet their first African American neighbor and actually be inclined to like them. Sad. Whatever.

To the men who served their country in Libya, Contractor Glen Doherty, Ambassador Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith and Contractor Tyrone Woods - I salute your efforts and your service to your country. RIP - in spite of all the stupid politics and coded hate that your deaths have sparked. 

Being visual and after a little research, the Benghazi Embassy deaths are for four white martyrs killed at the hands of a Vagina SOS and N----- POTUS. None of the four odd thousands of soldiers killed and tens of thousands crippled for life in the Bush fake oil war in Iraq count apparently. They are not heroes. Because? They are not all white? 

Live and learn mate. Live and learn.
