Everything the new minority – the old white majority – is coded and racist – Jerry Falwell’s Religious Liberty = segregation for tax free Christian education (SEGREGATED).
I had distanced myself from the Benghazi Bullshit brainwashing going over on at Fox News for a long time until yesterday. I am only now focusing in on it and seeing attacks on Hillary on Mother’s Day on Facebook somewhere among the blind and racist lost of the once and never American Dream.
Beghazi is also white racist (coded) bullshit. I feel sorry for the people in flyover country that have yet to meet or greet their first African American neighbor and actually be inclined to like them. Sad. Whatever.
To the men who served their country in Libya, Contractor Glen Doherty, Ambassador Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith and Contractor Tyrone Woods - I salute your efforts and your service to your country. RIP - in spite of all the stupid politics and coded hate that your deaths have sparked.
Live and learn mate. Live and learn.