Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Fresh Kills _ Swing - Day 16

Swing - Day 16
My mother mounts me into the junior swings; I am too big already for them.  She has my toddler sisters already mounted with the safety bar pulled down over the chain in a box seat.  She pushes gently and sets the whole thing in motion.
For me, she lifts me into the bigger kid swings and teaches, instructs, hold on, move your legs forward, backward, and then leaves me to my own device as she returns to the baby.
I am getting the hang of it and moving back and forth and looking across the bare dusty playground up towards the mill tower and its clock.  It bellows a chime on some hour.  I notice the noise and its direction but do not yet know what time is or even what a clock is. 
Time is the thing, isn’t it?  We all only have so much of it and we use it.  There is no user manual.  Do we have to use it right?
Somewhere along the timeline, some holy man or philosopher or celibate in an ivory tower started the leisure time question regarding the quality of life thing. 
The average human for centuries had just lived, hunted, gathered, foraged, survived.  Just lived. Then died.
Then these clowns come along and ask about the quality and meaning of life.
Useless facts to the average dude and dudette.  Dogma forming. Cottage industries.  Cathedrals.  M.I.T.!
Somewhere along the timeline, they made up a set of rules to get into paradise, heaven, the afterlife.
Well I am here and all your dogma and questions just suck, suck, suck.
I have to write my own user manual here in stage two of my life.

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