Showing posts with label monument. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monument. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2012

FDR Memorial - Washington D.C.

There are two FDR memorials in Washington DC, the official PC one and the one that FDR himself requested.

“If they are to put up any memorial to me, I should like it to be placed in the center of that green plot in front of the Archives Building. I should like it to consist of a block about the size [of this desk].”  - -  Franklin Delano Roosevelt

I do not believe anyone have ever given Franklin Roosevelt the benefit of the doubt in the subtlety department regarding his much simpler, less expensive monument.

I believe FDR being classically educated was do doubt familiar with the poetic license in the true meaning of Christopher Wren's famous epitaph at St. Paul’s Cathedral London.

Lector, si momumentum requires, circumspice.

Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you.

Reader, if you seek his (FDR) monument, look around you.
