Showing posts with label Social Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Security. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Putin Making Progress into Grinding Old Russians into Woof Woof Dog Food to Feed Trump's Pet Dogs

No doubt fresh from secret Helsinki circle jerk talks of Trump and Putin, and Trump telling Putin to raise the retirement age for old people in Russia in order to steal more of the Russian national treasury.  Putin reportedly worth 100 billion dollars now can achieve his goal toward a trillion dollar individual wealth. * 

*(Trump about to brand his Russian made dog food?)

Just take it out of the hides of your people and raise the retirement age for women from 55 to 63 and men from 60 to 65 for a state sponsored retirement check. The Wharton Global Spreadsheet at work and the American Model of retirement in weak economies where there are no fit jobs for human beings past the age of 45 in America and or Russia and or the so called civilized world. 

Once your hormones fade with age, so does the attractiveness of your ability to perform like circus dogs for your CEO employers making their tens of millions in bonuses screwing little people out of pensions and decent hourly wages etc. 

Soylent Green is perhaps too old a movie to illustrate what to do with useless old people. 

My all time favorite below as a microcosm now to illustrate Trump's and now Putin's tiny little ruling entourage bubble worlds where what you know as a crony does not matter as much as who you blow in order to survive etc. Betsy D etc. Whatever.

Trump has no pets. Something that no one ever dares write about it. Your won't hear anything here form me. - and - Considering the photos of his two oldest boys in their thirties with guns and African road kill testosterone proving delayed stunted adolescent bullshit etc, not even a pet cat. Meow!p

Welcome to Woop Woop, a Hollywood gem of a hidden classic 

is about what to do when you are a con man stranded in the middle of nowhere, Woop Woop Australia for example, except playing old Oscar and Hammerstein movies and making communally produced Woof Woof dog food out of road kill kangaroos. Great movie stuff on many symbolic and metaphoric levels of the modern reality of people left behind from the global anti-human spreadsheet etc.

Thousands of people have taken part in protests in cities across Russia to express their anger at government proposals to raise the pension age.
Demonstrators in the capital, Moscow, carried banners reading: "We want to live on our pensions, not die at work."
The government says it wants to raise the pension age from 60 to 65 for men, and from 55 to 63 for women, to help cope with a shrinking workforce.
But unions warn many people will not live long enough to claim a pension.
Some 12,000 people took to the streets of Moscow to protest at the controversial plans.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Price of tin gods ( Discounted! )

John Thain in his excuse for giving out bonuses to Merrill Lynch hacks in the middle of a corporate meltdown was that top talent would march to other companies. Sure. Go ahead. Tired, broken, worn-out Reaganesque style obsolete American corporate talent - walk - look for comparable employment - welcome to the real world!!! (It’s a bitch!)

President Obama in an attempt to restore reality ( sanity would be too much to ask even from him ) to the corporate boardrooms in America, set a maximum salary cap for senior executives in failed corporations. If your bankrupt hack company wants a government handout - guess what - the talent that caused the meltdown is not worth millions a year in salary - just thousands. What a refreshing breeze has whofted over the land of America suddenly.

As for talent, a few MBAs got decent salaries for their slide rule approach to ransacking corporations and putting it all neatly onto a spreadsheet to act as ponzi cover to quarterly reports and paper profits, bonuses, corporate jets, Caribbean weekends, drugs and hookers!

The quarterly report scam thing has been going on for over a quarter of a century. Can’t we just keep up appearances for a few more quarters? “Hell I even had money with Madoff!” goes the line of many sad songs on the corporate penthouse world built not on factories but more like Blow.

I have a pint of air. I invest in that pint of air and declare that it has increased in value to half a quart. I declare a dividend. Borrow money from giant useless banks to pay the dividend and I am in business. Bring on the last few remaining state and municipal pension funds to invest in my air corporation. Not many suckers left to fleece in America or globally.

Oh the Pubs fucked up real bad when they couldn’t get the Average American Joe to break off from Social Security and invest his government nest egg in Wall Street.

Bush dropped the ball on that one. The American people will sort of go along with national security and wars in the middle east but don’t touch my privates - my Social Security thingy.

It is still a mess in America with many more quarters before real corporations declare real profits and start hiring native born Americans back at a living wage. But one thing for sure is that the Tin Gods of Wall Street just got a deflationary wake up call as to their Titanic views of themselves and their supposed talents.

It is a new day dawning in corporate America. I can smell the coffee above the pollution free future of electric cars on the newly built highways, solar power on my roof and a realization that reality starts with real things and not theoretical corporate spreadsheet profits, Keating, Lay and Madoff style.