Cardinal or is it Archbishop Chaput
of Philly is on or off his medications with this or that PR statement, by this
or that mass closing of Philly inner-city schools and churches, or getting
together with the boys in the absolute privacy of a wine cooler bunker in California,
is finally breaking up, sobering up after one hell of a party past its closing
date Jul 6-10. Worth every penny, tax-free btw.
Some honored (rumored) guests at
Chaput’s Hellfire Club Party this year above.
When my memory was better, I think I
was a bit too obsessed with the buggers that run the Catholic Church in Rome and
America. I see from reading an old blog that was above my pay grade not in
intelligence but in evolved personal belief that hit me with a hard realization that I did not belong there, while being hit also with the fact that the old boys of the RC church that would rather
protect a bugger priest / nun than send him or her off to jail for abusing children,
that the old “Religious Freedom”, “Religious Liberty” good ‘ole boys of the American RC hierarchy are meeting,
have been meeting, for a drinking fest in honor of one of the Founding Fathers –
of Benjamin Franklin, networking, drunking it up, whoring it up in imitation of
the “HellFire Club” from his days as unofficial American ambassador to the Court
of Saint James in England in the eighteenth century.
That Cardinal Chaput of Philadelphia
was a founding father of this RC Hellfire Club in Napa Valley – wine country in
California – “The Napa Institute” was founded for the extreme uber-nazi-like
wing of American RC Hierarchs to sit around and bitch about how Clergy don’t
get any respect anymore – just like Rodney Dangerfield. At least with old
Rodney there was punch line and a giggle. But these guys get together to swill
Speaker Paul Ryan’s (a good “catolick” btw) private stock of $350 a bottle
Lobbyist vino.
That and celebrating Latin Masses in “Catacombs” (tunnels / wine
cellars) and dealing in innocent prepubescent games of “grab ass” with or sans
the tighty whiteys just like the good old days of Friday nights after five in
the seminary. Wink. Nod. Gotcha!
Am reminded of the twitter hash tag
for these guys favored choice for President of Donald Trump – the Napa
Institute besides a private drinking club is a gathering place of writing checks to
Citizens United Pacs by the Bishops in the hopes of regaining respect in America
– long lost now after a decade or two of proof after proof of the incarnate
evil of the #WhiningLittleBitch(es) in purple and red dresses to borrow a hash
tag favored by the comedian Bill Maher for Donald #WhinyLittleBitch to gather
funds for the GOP and other evangelical Hatriot groups Etc.