Showing posts with label Religious Liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious Liberty. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Canadian Anchor Baby Ted Cruz Debates Religious Bigotry Vs. Human Rights in Iowa with Ellen Page

Ellen Page, wearing a hat and sunglasses, confronted presidential hopeful Ted Cruz at the Iowa State Fair on Friday while he was grilling porkchops and ABC News caught the exchange on-camera.
The duo got into a debate about religious liberty and LGBT discrimination. Page asked Cruz about LGBT people being fired for being gay or trans and he said, "Well, what we're seeing right now, we're seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith."

"You're discriminating against LGBT people," Page said to Cruz, as quoted by ABC News. The actress asked him if he would use that same argument when discussing segregation….

"No one has the right to force someone else to abandon their faith and their conscience," he said. He then switched the standard narrative of a Christian florist denying wedding flowers to a gay couple. "Imagine, hypothetically, you had a gay florist and imagine two evangelicals wanted to get married and they decide, 'You know what, I disagree with your faith and I don't want to provide flowers,'" said Cruz.

ABC News reports the actress and politician spoke to each other for five minutes and Cruz said he hadn't known it was Page at the time of their conversation.


Monday, March 17, 2014

“Heineken was always slop” – Bill Donohue Catholic League Beer Boycott – Support Religious Bigotry aka Religious Liberty / Freedom

God knows Bill Donohue needs to trim his beer belly but to pick on Corporate ex-Sponsors Guinness Heineken (Sam Adams on the Boston SP parade) of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in NYC that do not Financially Support Religious Bigotry -- is just too much even for a barfly from Rosie O’Grady's pub on Sixth Avenue.

All because nobody buys into this obsolete scapegoating the Gays anymore just like the Roman Catholic Church scapegoated them for centuries alongside the Jews.

“In 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 9-0 decision that the First Amendment guarantees the right of private parade organizers to determine its own rules for marching. It is this liberty that the makers of Guinness, Heineken, and Sam Adams want to squash.”

Saturday, November 16, 2013

“Dolan Effect” – Serving the 1% on Your Knees At the Expense of Humanity – the People of God - Kudos to Lackeys like Tim Dolan’s USCCB and Bill Donohue – “Catholic” League(?)

Bill, clean the drool off your lips and off of…

I recall “Mr.Piggy” pushing his greedy little way ahead of the line to get elected President of the USCCB (closested gay bishops club?) three years ago and to help elect Mitt Romney for the 1%.

Bill “I ain’t no Fag” Donohue over at the Catholic League has an entirely different delusional view of reality regarding his meal ticket, close friend and mentor Tim Dolan of NY and his tenure over at USCCB.

Terrible job done Tim at the USCCB BTW.

The "Dolan Effect" - to take something damaged and then completely destroy it?  (Something like Credibility?)

It is plain for everyone to see that the bishops will not walk away from the fight for religious liberty, a battle thrust upon them by the Obama administration. They must also deal with the effects of public policy decisions that have done more to punish the poor, and promote inequality, than any previous administration. But with the leadership of Archbishop Kurtz, and Cardinal DiNardo, the ratification of the “Dolan Effect” is assured, and so, too, is progress. This bodes well for everyone.

Obama administration . They must also deal with the effects of public policy decisions that have done more to punish the poor, and promote inequality, than any previous administration.”

Yeah Right:

To Serve the One True GOD - MONEY!
