Showing posts with label Pope Emeritus Benedict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pope Emeritus Benedict. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015

Kim Davis is a pawn in a nasty game - getting passed around the right wing redneck Christian circuit like a cheap Whore – And She is loving every minute of IT!

Kim Davis is a pawn in a nasty game - getting passed around the right wing redneck Christian circuit like a cheap Whore – And She is loving every minute of IT!

Retired Pope Emeritus Benedict Stabs Francis in Back at DC ? –

According to the first person, there were a great number of people during the pope's tour who were simply hustled in and out for informal private audiences. According to Dionne, the meeting between Davis and the pope was brokered by Archbishop Carlo Vigano, the papal nuncio to the United States at whose residence the pope stayed during his time in Washington, which is when the meeting took place. Together, these facts set off my Spidey Sense about Vatican chicanery.

Before we continue, let us stipulate a few things. First of all, let us stipulate that there are more than a few members of the Church's permanent bureaucracy, both within the Clan Of The Red Beanie and without, who are not happy that this gentleman got elected Pope, and who are not happy with what he's done and said since he was. Second, let us stipulate that many members of this group are loyal to both former pope Josef Ratzinger and, through him, to the memory (and to what they perceive as the legacy) of John Paul II who, for good and ill, had a much different idea of how to wield a papacy than Papa Francesco does. Third, let us stipulate that this opposition to the current pope has been active and vocal, to say nothing of paranoid.
