Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Armed Extremists Mormon Rebellion in Oregon – Government Property Seized - Media's Candy-Assed Treatment of Armed Thugs

The fuckiing bullshit media PC police are out posting this armed seizure of Government property in Oregon by a bunch of traitorous Joseph Smith wanna-bees, break away Mormon religious extremists as “militiamen” or “Anti-government protesters” (i.e. MSNBC).  

They are grown men with guns who don’t want to sit up in their temples in their Sunday White Underwear outfits but would rather be wearing white sheets in the desert, living in tents and beating up all their wives etc.

No fucking different than ISIS or Al-Qaeda, Sunni, Shia Muslim armed extremists, anarchists who want to tear my world down. Who want to steal my government owned land to sell or rent it to Koch Industries and set themselves up in the the State of Deseret according to their religious book of myths.

The British news media is already over this white male privilege thing. If gangs of unemployed blacks seized four square blocks of Baltimore and demanded to set up their own version of Utopia or Deseret, the national guard would already be bulldozing the dead bullet-ridden insurrectionist bodies out of the war zone.

Tell your media lies elsewhere MSNBC.

Their tiny penises, of these Mormon traitors, like their beliefs, should stay inside their pants and their houses of worship on Sunday in order to earn my respect and or tolerance of their weird private beliefs. That is what the first amendment is all about and not about hitting me over the head with a stick or shooting me in the back with an NRA approved WMD to steal my and or our common American national land held in trust for the ages and generations to come.

Ted Cruz is praying first for the traitors to resolve this peacefully and second that cops don’t get killed. No heart in that Pansy.

Rick Santorum identifies with the Deadbeat Bundy Polygamist Mormons and Company and blood cousins who can’t earn a living out west like their ancestors. Which is why Santorum wants the government to give land to these Domestic Terrorists. Governemt Welfare to his white male cronies. 

Well if there are no jobs in the prairies for your cows to eat free government grass, then you leave and emigrate if you don’t like the USA. Leave! Join your male comrades in the Middle East and kill and steal in the name of your mean false desert gods. 


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enough of Lincoln - He was a Railroad Lawyer!

They have a temple to him in Washington DC - out sixteenth president. He is a demi-god in the grand Roman tradition. The temple, the Lincoln Memorial, is of a scale fit for Jupiter and or Zeus. We in this secular culture have as close to a secular saint or god (small “g”) as you can get in Old Abe. Hey we are a democracy of sorts. There are no ground rules. We have, in some ways, evolved like the old Roman Empire.

Getting back to Old Abe. I was surprised to read that President Zachary Taylor had offered Lincoln the post of Territorial Governor of Oregon around 1850. Think about how history would have changed if he had taken that job.

The truth of the matter was that Lincoln was a railroad lawyer. He got paid the big bucks and when he went to Washington, his estimated wealth I once read was about $100,000. I think the statistic then was that there were only something like six millionaires in America before the Civil War.

I do not want to downgrade President Lincoln’s place in history or how his CEO abilities were taxed in trying to find the right generals to mop up the Southern Mess. While on a tangent, just remember that Robert E. Lee was married to Martha Washington’s great granddaughter and step-great granddaughter of George Washington. The landed gentry of Virginia were living in a aristocratic bubble supported by an obsolete inefficient cruel system of slavery. There was no easy way to convert old wealth, land and slaves, to the new wealth, factories and railroads.

There was class warfare going on between the progressive states that banned slavery and the old dying economic culture of the South. There was one blip on the radar however. In 1860, 51% of all foreign capital coming into the US was from cotton. The south in many ways could have converted that wealth in a few number of years into a modern economy that could have rivaled the north’s factory wealth. More likely, the aristocracy would have just bought more oriental rugs for their ante-bellum mansions.

The prize in those days for the northern states or the confederate states was the untapped wealth of the western United States in the form of territories waiting to be settled and admitted to the political structure of the United States Congress.

The wealth of southern landowners, slave owners, could not compete with the western movement. Slavery and the landed aristocracy were doomed in a matter of years, not decades.

Nobody in the south thought Lincoln a fool. Lincoln was a wealthy man with an eye on the future. That future was railroads and the west. The other guy who had his eye on the west was Jefferson Davis, one time son in law to General Zachary Taylor and Secretary of War under President Zachary Taylor. One of Jeff’s pet projects was several feasibility studies for the positioning of the proposed, envisioned, needed Transcontinental Railroad. What to tell Congress? That the best route of the taxpayer subsidized railway was the southern route and not the northern route???

The history books paint Abe as a saint, martyr, visionary, emancipator etc. They rarely mention his railroading job skills. Can you imagine if Booth had not shot him. Can you imagine Lincoln as head of one of the New York based railroad empires stretching from NYC to San Francisco? Picture Lincoln’s mansion on Fifth Avenue, 120 rooms, and fifty servants. Picture the probate of his twenty million dollar estate etc.

It is all right and good for a republic to have its iconic figures but put them back into human scale sometimes.

All in all Lincoln was a giant among the pygmies of his timeline group peers.

Happy Two Hundredth Birthday Mr. President Lincoln!