Showing posts with label Latinos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Latinos. Show all posts

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ted Cruz’s White Cuban Racism Shapes American Foreign Policy on Immigration

Ted Cruz besides being a native born Canadian is not Hispanic or Latino and you never hear those terms from the right’s Fox Propaganda Machine used for him.

Ted Cruz is the traditionally racist white Cubano. “Cubano Blanco”. Not a cigar.

Castro when he went Commie, brought down institutional Racism in Cuba in terms of access to education and social services for the black Cubans kept at the bottom of Cuban society for centuries – but that ingrained national traditional racism still exists in Castro’s Cuba.

The words of hate coming out of Ted Cruz’s Mail Order Preacher Certificate dad's mouth against Obama is nothing but traditional centuries old Cuban Racism trying to keep the blacks slaves down in Cuba and inferior to the so-called white Spaniards at the top of the Cuban social heap. 

I have heard before from Hispanics that say they don’t like to travel through Miami’s airport for fear of having to spend any time there and have to encounter the traditional white Cuban (my shit don’t stink) attitude, the degree of venom delivered depending on race and color of the Spanish speaking person wandering the airport, asking for directions, in search of some decent human interface but all they get is that my shit don’t stink Cuban white racism instead.

The GOP had lumped all the Latinos and Hispanics together and think that they are stupid enough to vote for a Cuban like Rubio or Cruz and quite frankly, Latinos and Hispanics can smell the cat under the “friendly” dog overcoat of Cuban American and Cuban Canadian politicians like Rubio and Cruz.

Traditional Cuban racism leeches out in every move, word, Ted Cruz makes against immigrants that are not white and not “pure” Cuban.
