It becomes increasingly evident that the evangelical efforts of Vladimir Putin in Russia is in alignment with his base in Russia to the Trump base in America which is so overwhelmingly white and Christian.
That the flood of cash into the GOP from Russia (via Citizens United) in the 2016 election is no great secret except in the Corporate owned Media. I dare say the recent keeping up with the Reverend Jones's of the proliferation of private 60 million dollar private jets for Evangelical preachers in America is a result of an increase of cash donations not from the trailer park welfare based Trump crowd but flows as cash from Russia flooding into the tax free Gawd Business crowd so infatuated with the wonderful, magical, anointed and evangelical POTUS Donald Trump. Hay-Men!
GRACE now flows only from Russia?
Putin's Calculated Revival of the Russian Orthodox Church
He has spoken very publicly about his Christian faith, with stories sometimes tending toward the miraculous, such as one he tells about a small aluminum cross, given to him by his mother that was recovered from the ashes of a burnt-out building.
Putin’s public religiosity should be seen as a sort of “construct” said Gaddy. Many of the stories are likely based in truth, but at the same time, are being used to remind the Russian people of Putin’s historical vision of a greater Russia with roots that extend far beyond its recent Communist past.
“One of his hallmarks is the way [Putin] rewrites history,” said Gaddy. “Everything that would suggest there were schisms or splits in Russian society…this is to be rejected.”
In Gaddy’s view, having Shoigu make the sign of the cross in Red Square was a sort of masterstroke of symbolism – the head of the Russian military, himself neither Russian nor Christian, making obeisance to the church less as a statement of faith than as a statement of allegiance to greater Russia.