Showing posts with label Azodicarbonamide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azodicarbonamide. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2013

Azodi-carbonamide – Bread and Plastic Additive – GRAS Generally Regarded as Safe (Stupid) - Enjoy!

I have always been a little bit suspicious about the Martin's Potato Bread, my son's favorite, that stays fresh moist and mold free in the bread drawer for weeks at a time. 

Location. Location. Location. - Shelf life. Shelf life. Shelf life. - Twinkies Live!

Azodi-carbonamide generally recognized as safe (GRAS) additive to Bread – Used to make foam plastics etc. and extend shelf life of bread etc. 

Illegal in UK, EU, Australia and Singapore and thought to cause asthma by recent studies. Enjoy!
