Saturday, May 28, 2016

Compassion needs no apologies.

Barack Obama and Shigeaki Mori

Compassion needs no apologies.

I must say that the visit of President Barack Obama to lay a wreath at the Hiroshima shine dedicated to the victims of the first use of nuclear weapons against humanity came off rather artificial and plastic back here in the states.

Despite the time difference of thirteen hours I was awake to see a live media feed from Japan. It did not happen. 

The Corporate Owned Media filtered the event. And every News “team” on TV later that day filtered the moment, when they showed snippets of the events mentioned two propaganda talking points. One being that Obama was not going to apologize and the other was that Obama was not going to second guess the Truman decision to use the Bomb.

The whole event staged and filtered through Corporate Owned Media was to avoid putting a human face on our enemy of 75 odd years ago. The racism of the Japanese Empire was still battling the racism of the American Pacific Corporate Empire.

But in spite of a bland speech by Obama that I had to find on You Tube, there was a man who had been a surviving victim of that use of science in a laboratory experiment against humanity 71 years ago, one Shigeaki Mori, who as an eight year old boy on his way to school got thrown off a bridge into a river by the initial shock wave of the blast. Who was protected from death by the river water in the firestorm to follow the blast.

As I said, there was a human face to the enemy 71 years ago and we were still by the ruling elites in the media and the Pentagon still hiding that face of humanity just in case we little people might decide that nuclear weapons and nuclear war is not a viable future option of the American for profit Military Industrial Complex.

When Obama embraced and hugged nuclear war victim Shigeaki Mori, he was embracing a man who spent many thousands of his adult life hours researching and correcting Japanese records recording the events of the first use of nuclear weapons on his native Hiroshima in August 1945.

Aside from the Corporate Owned Media not giving the enemy a face 71 year ago all the way to today, Mori documented the existence of 8 American victims of the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima. They had been POWs captured from crashed American airplanes in the area just prior to the atomic blast.

That America never confirmed or tried to research the existence of these dead eight American victims, service men, MIAs, of nuclear war. 

It was the man that Obama hugged that gave a face to his enemy of 71 years ago so that they would not be forgotten and their names inscribed at the Hiroshima Memorial Shrine.

Compassion needs no apologies…


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Donald Trump - Ted Cruz - NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder…People with narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a disdain and lack of empathy and for others.[4][5] These individuals often display arrogance, a sense of superiority, and power-seeking behaviors.[6] Narcissistic personality disorder is different than having a strong sense of self-confidence. This is because people with NPD typically value themselves over others to the extent that they disregard the feelings and wishes of others and expect to be treated as superior regardless of their actual status or achievements.[4][7] In addition, people with NPD may exhibit fragile egos, an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in an attempt to validate their own superiority.[7]


Monday, May 9, 2016

Benghazi Four – Coded (White) Martyrs of the Old Obsolete White Male Order

Everything the new minority – the old white majority – is coded and racist – Jerry Falwell’s Religious Liberty = segregation for tax free Christian education (SEGREGATED).

I had distanced myself from the Benghazi Bullshit brainwashing going over on at Fox News for a long time until yesterday. I am only now focusing in on it and seeing attacks on Hillary on Mother’s Day on Facebook somewhere among the blind and racist lost of the once and never American Dream.

Beghazi is also white racist (coded) bullshit. I feel sorry for the people in flyover country that have yet to meet or greet their first African American neighbor and actually be inclined to like them. Sad. Whatever.

To the men who served their country in Libya, Contractor Glen Doherty, Ambassador Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith and Contractor Tyrone Woods - I salute your efforts and your service to your country. RIP - in spite of all the stupid politics and coded hate that your deaths have sparked. 

Being visual and after a little research, the Benghazi Embassy deaths are for four white martyrs killed at the hands of a Vagina SOS and N----- POTUS. None of the four odd thousands of soldiers killed and tens of thousands crippled for life in the Bush fake oil war in Iraq count apparently. They are not heroes. Because? They are not all white? 

Live and learn mate. Live and learn.
